About Me

Hello! Welcome to the Printables My Way blog!

I’m Lakshay, an engineer, graphic designer and app developer. This website (Printables My Way) has been created as an outlet for my creativity and with the desire to create digital printable products that people love.

Since the early 2000s, I’ve poured countless hours into crafting graphics, designing UI elements, and story-boarding mobile applications. Whether it’s creating assets for PC game mods or fashioning eye-catching UI graphics and icons for Android apps, I’ve been immersed in the creative process for quite some time.

Even with my 9-5 responsibilities, graphic design serves as my stress buster. I genuinely relish the creative journey—it’s my happy place! Venturing into selling my printables online in late 2022, my mission has been to craft products that not only add value but also help individuals conquer their personal and professional goals. It feels amazing to know that something I’ve created has a positive impact on someone on the other side of the world!

So why the Printables My Way blog?

While I may not claim expertise in every nook and cranny of web design, this blog is my cozy corner to share my ongoing journey in the realm of printables & graphic design. It’s also a space where I can dive into the stories behind the printables I’ve crafted. Let’s get into the nitty-gritty, exploring not just what these printables are, but the ‘why’ behind each creation and how they will be used in the real world.

I genuinely believe that these printables can add a touch of magic to your life, helping you achieve the results you’re aiming for. Whether it’s something special for a birthday bash or a social get-together, or perhaps eBooks to elevate your athleticism, there’s sometihng waiting for you here. If you don’t spot exactly what you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to get in touch—I’d love the opportunity to craft something extraordinary just for you!

Before you get comfortable and check out the rest of my blog – feel free to check out my Shop and one of my best sellers!

Chat soon,
